UpGrayed Quartet @ Singing Valentined in Peterborough NH
Here & now, above:    Mark  -  Craig  -  Steve  -  John

We meet Tuesdays, weekly, at least - at the Keene chapter meeting & rehearsal!

We are members of the Keene, NH Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society - currently an all-men a cappella chorus.  We meet at the United Church of Christ in Keene, 23 Central Square, downtown Keene. (Enter at the rear of the church complex, off Vernon Street).  Warm-ups begin at 6:30 pm sharp.

You are invited to visit and hear us making the harmony - any Tuesday.  You are also welcome to try this with us.  No auditions.  Great camaraderie. We're guys who have a singing problem. Hey! Form your own quartet!

Four Grayed Guys…
Up with Harmony.

We are young-at-heart. Some of us feel like we’ve been around fah-evah…

John D. - tenor - is a former member of both the Beaufort Harbormasters and Eu-4-ia quartet out of South Carolina. A 14-year member of the Society, he joined the Keene chapter in 2017 and earned Barbershopper of the Year (BOTY) for 2017. John brings a huge amount of stage and craft experience and singing ability - so angelic, too! He lives in Dublin.

Steve S. - lead - has been a member of the Keene chapter for 23 years and has longed to sing in a solid “UP-and-coming” quartet! Luckily - his new quartet has members with plenty of musical experience! Steve earned Keene BOTY in 2008 and 2020, and District BOTY in 2013 - most notably for his professional contributions and untiring work in marketing and communications. Not singing. All that has now changed! More fun! He lives in Keene.

Mark B. - baritone - is the savior of this foursome. He has been a member of many quartets, the last was Hearts Accord. He is the current Keene chapter Music Director, a member of BHS for 23 years and brings a fabulous background of music experience and expertise. Possessing perfect pitch, an acute ear for listening - he’ll even stop us to correct his own fubs and gainfully seeking that resounding chord. He’s the Keene BOTY for all years, really, but notably for 2004 and 2015. He lives in Sullivan.

Craig F. - bass - brings that solid ringing sound to the bass part - we are so grateful! He brings compassion, care, clarity and bell-and-chord-ringing to this quartet - and the chorus! He’s a member of this BHS chapter now for 11 years and is the Keene chapter Assistant Chorus Director, too, earning the Keene BOTY for 2018. He was last heard in Keene’s Heads-Up! quartet in 2019. He sings in many groups, notably as the pastor of a local KJV church, and has incredible experience in music and performance. He lives in Surry.

Who We Are